MLOps Blog

Product Updates September ’23: Scatter Plots, Airflow Integration, and More

2 min
16th April, 2024

Here’s a quarterly product newsletter to keep you up-to-date with all the changes in Neptune. Check what happened in the last 3 months.  

New 🎉

1. Scatter plots

If you have two metrics or parameters that you wish to compare or see how they relate to each other throughout the runs, you can now create a scatter plot

See an example of a scatter plot in the Neptune app.

2. Distraction-free mode 

You can now view run dashboards and compare views in distraction-free mode. 

3. Integrations & supported tools

We have 4 new integrations:

And one new guide that explains how to use Neptune with Catboost.

4. New in the documentation

Our docs team published a few tutorials that may be useful for you: 

We also gathered best practices for getting your team started with Neptune in the onboarding guide for teams. If you haven’t yet, give Neptune a try in a collaborative environment.

You have a feature request?

Improvements 🤓

Python client library

  • We added support for logging of learning_rate in multi-GPU training setup. (neptune-tensorflow-keras 2.2.0)
  • You can now disable Git tracking by passing git_ref=False when initializing a run. (neptune 1.5.0)
  • We added a new environment variable NEPTUNE_DATA_DIRECTORY, which lets you specify where the .neptune folder should be created instead of the current working directory. (neptune 1.5.0)
  • We added the list_fileset_files() function, which you can use to query metadata from FileSet fields. (neptune 1.6.0)

Web application

  • You can now inspect dependencies and Git diffs in the Source code tab.
  • In charts displaying multiple runs, we now identify a run more clearly when you hover over its graph (there’s a legend displaying the run ID and the color label of the line).
  • You can now use the following keyboard shortcuts:
    • Toggle the side navigation – [
    • Switch between view modes – 1 / 2 / 3

Fixes 🔨

Python client library 

  • We fixed an operation processor bug if the current working directory is different from the script directory. (neptune 1.4.0)
  • Stringify_unsupported() now catches a broader MutableMapping class. (neptune 1.6.0)

Web application

  • We fixed an issue where a field named “type” could not be displayed as a runs table column.

See other minor improvements and fixes in the changelog

On the roadmap 🔜

In the next months, you can expect:

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